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Before coming to Vietnam, it’s crucial to understand your legal situation. You definitely must know which type of visa that fit your entry purpose to avoid the unexpected problem. Therefore, we’re going to make a list of all Vietnamese visa types to help you understand and apply for a suitable one before coming to our country.

All of the visa categories and validities

According to the new immigration regulations that took effect on July 1, 2020 (Law No. 51/2019 / QH14 ON AMENDMENTS TO A NUMBER OF ARTICLES OF THE LAW ON ENTRY, EXIT, TRANSIT, AND RESIDENCE OF FOREIGNERS IN VIETNAM) Visas and temporary residence cards for foreigners entering Vietnam with the following categories:

1. NG1 visa – to be issued for official members who are invited as guests of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, the President, Chairman of the National Assembly of Vietnam, and the Prime Minister.

– Valid maximum: 12 months

2. NG2 visa – to be issued for official members who are invited as guests of Vice President, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, Deputy Prime Minister, Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court, Head of the Supreme People’s Procuracy, Auditor General, members of the delegation at the same level of the Minister, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Council, Chairman of the People’s Committee of the province or city.

– Valid maximum: 12 months

3. NG3 Visa – to be issued to members of diplomatic missions, consulates, representative offices of international organizations that belonged to the United Nations; representative offices of intergovernmental organizations and their spouse, children under 18 years old.

– Valid maximum: 12 months

4. NG4 visa – to be issued for foreigners who come to work with diplomatic missions, consulates, representative offices of international organizations under the United Nations, representative offices of intergovernmental organizations.

– Valid maximum: 12 months

5. LV1 visa – to be issued for foreigners who come to work with departments, agencies, units belong to Communist Party; National Assembly, Government, Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Procuracy, State Audit, Ministries, Governmental agencies; Provincial Party Committee, City Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee of province or city.

– Valid maximum: 12 months

6. LV2 Visa – to be issued for foreigners who come to work with social-political organizations, the Chamber of Commerce, and Industry.

– Valid maximum: 12 months

7a. DT1 – to be issued to foreign investors and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam with contributed capital valued at 100 billion VND or more; investing in industries that subject to investment incentives area, investment incentives zone decided by the Government.
– Valid maximum: 5 years

7b. DT2 – to be issued to foreign investors and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam with contributed capital of between VND 50 billion and less than VND 100 billion or investing in industries and occupations encouraged for investment development decided by the Government.

– Valid maximum: 3 years

7c. DT3 – to be issued to foreign investors and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam with contributed capital valued at between VND 3 billion and less than VND 50 billion.

– Valid maximum: 3 years

7d. DT4 – to be issued to foreign investors in Vietnam and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam with contributed capital worth less than VND 03 billion.

– Valid maximum: 12 months

8a. DN1 – to be issued to foreigners working with other enterprises and organizations with legal status according to the provisions of Vietnamese law.

– Valid maximum: 03 months

8b. DN2 – to be issued to foreigners to offer services, establish a commercial presence, perform other activities under treaties in which Vietnam is a member.
– Valid maximum: 03 months

9a. LD1 – to be issued to foreigners working in Vietnam with an exemption of working permit certification.

– Valid maximum: 5 years

9b. LD2 – to be issued to foreigners working in Vietnam who must have a work permit.

– Valid maximum: 2 years

10a. NN1 visa – to be issued for foreigners who are heads of representative offices, projects of international organizations, foreign non-governmental organizations in Vietnam.

– Valid maximum: 12 months

10b. NN2 visa – to be issued for heads of representative offices, branches of foreign traders, representative offices of other foreign economic, cultural, professional organizations in Vietnam.

– Valid maximum: 12 months

10c. NN3 Visa – to be issued for foreigners who come to work with foreign non-governmental organizations, representative offices, branches of foreign traders, representative offices of economic, cultural organizations, and other foreign professional organizations in Vietnam.

– Valid maximum: 12 months

12. DH visa – to be issued for foreigners who come to practice and study.

– Valid maximum: 2 years.

13. HN visa – to be issued for foreigners who come to attend conferences and seminars.

– Valid maximum: 3 months

14. PV1 visa – to be issued for foreign journalists who reside in Vietnam.

– Valid maximum: 12 months

15. PV2 Visa – to be issued for foreign journalists who come to work for a short time in Vietnam.

– Valid maximum: 12 months

17. DL visa – to be issued for foreign entering with tourism purpose.

– Valid maximum: 03 months

18. TT visa – to be issued to foreigners who are spouses, children under 18 years old of foreigners who have LV1, LV2, DT, NN1, NN2, DH, PV1, LĐ visa or person who is a father; mother; wife; husband or children of Vietnamese citizens.

– Valid maximum: 3 years

19. VR visa – to be issued for foreigners visiting relatives.

– Valid maximum: 06 months

20. SQ visa – to be issued to the cases specified in Clause 3, Article 17 of the Immigration Law.

2. LS visa – Issued to foreign lawyers practicing in Vietnam.

– Valid maximum: 03 months

21. EV visa: electronic visa

– Valid maximum: 30 days

22: SQ visa – issued to Vietnam diplomatic missions abroad for individuals who have a working relationship with the competent authorities Vietnam visa abroad and spouses, children, or who have written request of the competent authority in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the host country.

Some extra notes:

  • Tourist visas are issued to foreigners who come to Vietnam for tourism purposes only, not to work in Vietnam.
  • American passport holders can obtain a 1-year visa for both tourist and business purposes.
  • The Vietnam visa can be extended, for another period, without leaving the country.

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