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Vietnam Visa Guide

General information

Vietnam business visa

Vietnam business visa, categorized by DN1 and DN2, is granted to those entering Vietnam for business purposes specifically issued for the following subjects: Visa DN1

General information

Vietnam Visa On Arrival Fees

Except for some visa waiver cases, foreigners are required to obtain a valid visa with a passport to enter Vietnam. And to get a visa,

General information

Vietnam visa exemption

To enter Vietnam, besides a valid passport, travelers need to apply for a visa issued by the competent authority of the host country. However, there

General information

Vietnam visa extension fees

To stay legal in Vietnam, foreigners need to obtain a valid visa. And the visa need to be extended or renewed when the foreigner wants

General information Vietnam Visa Guide

Overstaying Vietnam Visa

What should foreigners do when overstaying Vietnam visa? Do you know the penalties for overstaying your visa and the long-term consequences that you may suffer?

General information Vietnam Visa Guide

Vietnam Immigration Blacklist

Foreign travelers, who traveling to an unfamiliar country like Vietnam, have to learn and adapt the laws and regulations of the country. Otherwise, you may

General information

Form NA1 – Vietnamese visa application form

Form NA1 or Vietnamese visa application form is used at all Vietnam International border checkpoints when foreigners use visa on arrival (VOA) procedure to get